An interactive map of amazing retail concepts in Europe

An interactive map of amazing retail concepts in Europe

Updated: 07 April 2020 (Note: this article, including the interactive map, is updated on average twice a month to ensure you have access to the latest retail trends and concepts).

How do you find the inspiration to create a unique customer experience at your retail outlet?

The first source of inspiration is, of course, visiting other stores. The second is anticipating the emerging behaviour of tomorrow’s consumers. To fuel our creativity, we used to (before the coronavirus) visit a European city every month, spotting and visiting the most cutting-edge, innovative and ahead of their time stores.  

On request, our retail customers can receive a detailed report of the stores and concept stores we have visited. This strategic monitoring exercise is essential for market research, but not only. Keeping abreast of new trends and openings is key to understanding how to evolve your customer experience and ensure that you are always « up to date ».

On the map below, we give you an overview of a series of stores that we have identified in recent years. Some of them no longer exist, but we’ve immortalised them because they can still be a source of inspiration.

The interactive map is updated every 15 days. Feel free to come back as often as you like to see the latest additions. You’ll find the latest additions we’ve selected and a broad overview of the retail world without geographical distinction.

The aim is to compile all the stores we have visited or heard about, that we find particularly interesting from a marketing, customer experience and innovation point of view, to give you an overview of trends and innovations, arouse your curiosity and tease your creativity.

In order to make reading easier for everyone, the different retail stores are classified into three distinct categories:

  1. Interactive technology
  2. Furnishing and decoration
  3. Concept store

Indeed, some entrepreneurs and brands are doing a great job of developing a unique and differentiated marketing strategy. They deserve to be known, and we would like to help you discover them by making this Google map. As usual, all this knowledge is made available to you for free. When you open the map, click on the coloured dots to find out which store is behind it. We’ve even added a short description, photos and videos and, where possible, a link to the blog article where we discussed the retail outlet.

You have visited a retail store that is not on the map, feel free to comment on this article or contact us. We will be happy to add it and discuss it with you!

A good example of a retail tour

Back from a trip to Berlin, we were surprised by the vitality and enthusiasm. We had made a shortlist of 20 shops of interest in two districts of the city and visited them all. First of all, we had spotted interesting concepts around Alexanderplatz: Zeit für Brot (an organic bakery), Rike Feuerstein (a hat shop with incredible decoration). The Telekom 4010 store in Alt Schonhäusstrasse, No74 (an Adidas store specialising in rare and limited editions) and Twinkind (Auguststrasse 35), which proposes to replace the usual photo portrait with a 3D figurine shouting the truth (see below).

The other exciting area was the Kurfürstendamm in the western part of the city (where you will also find the famous KaDeWe, « Kaufhaus des Westens »). This part of the town is the place where established brands like Audi and its incredible Audi City, but also the very innovative concept store of 02 are concentrated.

Publié dans Marketing.